Be Alarmed! Smoke Alarm Installation Program

“Be Alarmed!” is a fire safety education and smoke alarm installation program administered cooperatively between Camp I Am Me (CIAM) and the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM). The program distributes fire safety education materials and smoke alarms to fire departments in the state of Illinois. The fire departments then deliver the education while installing smoke alarms in at-risk homes within their communities. Both the educational materials and smoke alarms are provided at no cost as a result of funding from both the CIAM and OSFM.

The program was developed to educate Illinois residents on the dangers of fire in the home and how to prevent fires from occurring in the home, as well as to ensure there are working smoke alarms properly installed in homes. By providing 10-year sealed battery smoke alarms, it ensures that the power source cannot be removed from the unit and, if properly maintained, will last the life of the device. Providing bedshaker smoke alarms will ensure those that are deaf or hard-of-hearing will be notified of a home fire when sleeping in their beds.

    We at the North Riverside Fire Department understand the importance of functioning alarms and take this program very seriously, as we are aware of the impact these alarms can make. The majority of our installations have been done in homes where elderly and/or disabled persons reside. Additionally, many of these residents are on a fixed income and do not have the financial wellbeing to electively purchase new alarms, much less the physical ability to install them properly. The positive community relations this program has provided is unmeasurable. Having the ability to interact with the public while the installations are being completed allows us to advocate for other programs that are offered to our residents.

    North Riverside F.D.